if you could be anywhere in this wide world, where would you want to be?
we're all humans.and one of humans' characteristic is, they have dreams.desire. something that they really passionate about. and i once had many too.
back to when i was in senior high school, i have few dreams. i wanna be in many places in this world. i want to go to venice, italy, i want to see the beauty of one of my most favorite country. i wanna be in london, where my cousin lives now for study, i want to see snows, feels them, and being shiver because of winter. i want to go to china, to see was i good enough at speaking mandarin, silly thing indeed. and one of my wildest dream is to travel around my own country, indonesia, visit every place (no matter how 'pelosok' it is), learn every culture and meet different people each day.
but one thing i know for sure is, i dont really want to be here, in pontianak. no, not because i hate my howetown, not at all. i effin' love this place, this place plays too many roles in my life, i was born here, is growing up here, this place contains many memories of me, and i think thats the problem.
these years has been kinda tough for me. first, i have to give up my dream about spending my college life in jakarta. and not to mention, my heartbreak. yeah, knowing that me and him had pretty much traces left everywhere in this place makes it even harder. beside, im feeling that im stucked here. im not developing. i always be the same me.i envy many people that have the experiences to see the world wider, to see the world in many perspectives. i know i sound ungrateful. many people are out of their comfort zone, and i, now, am having mine. im in the most familiar place of my whole world, but still, i want more.
well i still have those freakin feelings, and being sad sometimes for not being able to be anywhere in this world but here till one day. it was yesterday.
the day before this, 28th June 2012.
i have few college friends, and we're so much close, and we have this one rule that at date 28th in every month, we are forbidden to be "galau". in sort, 28th becomes our "anti galau" date. it was started two months ago, i dont even remember how we made that rule, it is silly but funny, and still we always celebrate that date and try to be happy instead of "galau". last night, we have different way to celebrate that date. it because most of all were fasting, so we had this one idea untuk buka puasa bersama di suatu tempat bernama AG fried chicken, jangan tanyakan seperti apa tempatnya, yang jelas semodel dengan KFC, cuma lebih kecil dan lebih murah aja. why did we choose that place? because its "AG" fried chicken, yang dengan semena - mena kami anggap adalah kepanjangan dari "Anti Galau" fried chicken...... yah, agak maksa emang, tapi begitulah..
so what happened that night?
nothing special. we ate, chatted, 'curcol', joked, and laughed, and shared some thoughts, discussed, till we came to this talk and one of my friend say, "teman nini (panggilan dari aku buat dia) ndak pernah segila ini sebelumnya, sampe bikin hari anti galau dan ngerayakan di AG. niaaat..!"
and not so long before that, my BSFF, firda, bbm-ed me cuma untuk bilang, "selamat berbuka puasa sayang, kangen bangeeet sama kamu dan vini." (oke yang terakhir itu cuma ditambah - tambah aja, weks)
and those things brought me to this thinking..
yeah, i have this best life, ever, eventhough im nowhere in my dreams. aku tidak sedang melihat - lihat gedung tinggi di jakarta, juga tidak sedang berjatuh cinta di bandung, tidak sedang "bersampan - pesiar" di sungai - sungai indah venice, tidak pula merasakan musim panas london, atau berjalan - jalan di tembok cina. im still here, and i think that is why i should be grateful of my life.
i now declare myself as a happy person, for what i am and where i have been.
im living here (tidak tau sampai kapan, mungkin hingga 5 tahun ke depan) a place dimana gerak dikit aja bakal ketemu orang yang dikenal karena ini kota kecil :") sebuah tempat yang ketika aku berjalan beberapa inci, aku akan menemukan berbagai kenangan yang bertumpuk tindih, tidak hanya tentang luka, tapi juga tentang tawa. sebuah tempat dimana aku mempunyai dua sahabat terbaik sepanjang masa, yang meskipun salah satunya, si bungsu vini, sedang 'diasrama' kami masih saling menjaga rasa sayang serta saling merindukan setiap malam dan siang. sebuah tempat dimana ada sekelompok teman yang bertitel "laskar galau" dan "J-co" (jangan paksa aku untuk memberi tahu apa kepanjangannya -.-) yang siap memeluk ketika aku menangisi cinta sambil tak lupa bersama - sama saling mendorong untuk melengkapi cita.
ya, im in the best place of this whole world. a place called "home" :')
aku tidak perlu merasakan homesick, atau rindu kue bingke dan es shanghai tanjung mulia. tidak perlu menangis karena rindu sahabat - sahabatku. tidak perlu beradaptasi banyak, karena disini aku cukup menjadi diri sendiri dengan segala "garing2nya" aku, atau kehebohan aku, cengeng, manja, cerewet, berisik, tapi tetap dikeliling teman - teman (perempuan dan laki - laki) yang sayang sekali padaku, dan menganggap aku seperti saudara sendiri. tidak perlu bersusah payah mencari teman baik ketika kuliah, yang kurasa tidak akan semudah mencari teman baik di luaran sana. tak perlu ber "lo - gue" dan kehilangan logat melayu, tapi pada waktu yang sama juga dapat sekali dua kali bicara bahasa jawa, sunda, jakarta, bahkan mandarin, karena teman - teman kuliahku berasal dari berbagai tempat, dan mereka semua dengan senang hati mengajari. tidak perlu merasakan sesaknya sendiri, karena disini aku punya 8 teman baik yang terlalu baik, yang selalu membuat aku punya alasan untuk tertawa dan membuang jauh - jauh perasaan kesepian.
and by that, if someone ask me, "if you could be anywhere in this wide world, where would you want to be?"
my total answer is, "well, i still want to be in many places in this world, but for now, i just want to be here, in pontianak. because this is where my heaven is, and if you're in heaven already, why would you ask to be in somewhere else?"
see ya, then! :)
my bestest soul friend ever, firda and vini :* |
our silly pic, taken over a year ago, miss you VINI :')) |
somewhere outside town, hey who said im stucked in pontianak? :p |
this is what we do saat menunggu dosen datang x)) |
novi's birthday celebration - in the middle of belajar buat ujian besoknya xD |
dinna's, menyebrangi jembatan tol pagi - pagi to reach her place :) |
at pasir panjang beach, look what we got, bangkai penyu... ._. |
they are, my little piece of heaven :)
a little piece of heaven
Isma Hadiatmaja
7:27:00 AM
if you could be anywhere in this wide world, where would you want to be? we're all humans.and one of humans' characteristic is, t...